Friday, May 9, 2014

While I was gone.

Alright guys, I may have gotten a wee bit carried away with my break after finishing the 30 day writing challenge. As a result I haven't actually blogged in one whole month and a week, or more simply 5 weeks (and 3 days technically). What an arse. Ive been busy though, I promise! I haven't just been googling cat memes, watching Girls (as in HBO TV - not me creeping) and dancing on my own… I mean I've done all of these things and they were glorious, but I've also been working a lot, fighting grime, and have had several visitors from Melbourne to entertain. So there is some good excuses in there when you think about it. Completely justified really. Don't even know why I'm bothering to defend myself.

Girls was amazing by the way, I smashed out all three seasons! Consider it a perk of not having friends in Adelaide, I mean who even needs to make new friends when there is so much catch up TV available. I kid, I kid! So my mum and dad came over to Adelaide for a week and a half, it was lovely to have them around again, but also kind of nice to say goodbye. That may sound harsh, but I knew I was seeing them again in a few weeks, and my budget had been blown on wining and dining. Mostly I was kind of tired, and to be perfectly honest I kind of missed being alone. I see them next week though, and I can't wait. My cousin is getting married to the girl he use to talk to me about when we were fresh out of High School, how adorable is that? It's also super convenient because all my dads side of the family will be in one place, meaning I'll see them all on one day.

I only have four full days in Melbourne before heading to LA for another wedding, which can be hard when all you want to do is relax with your time off work. I guess relaxing can get pretty boring though come to think of it, I like to keep busy, otherwise I struggle more so than usual to turn off my brain at night. Whilst in Melbourne - besides my cousins wedding - I have to make sure I see a collection of others (y'all know who you are) and very important it is that I go dress shopping with yet another bride to be (seriously, everyone is getting hitched) Obviously you don't just dress shop though, there's brunch, coffee and possibly a couple cocktails involved. It's important to make a day of these things. I also have to celebrate a wedding that I sadly couldn't attend, so yeah, another bloody wedding. Everything has something to do with a wedding. I guess we're at that age now. I think I may be single forever though. A lone wolf. Fighting grime.

After our parents visited last month, my bro and I had the house to ourselves for a whole week before my girls came over for shenanigans. As it turned out I didn't need that extra V boost (an aussie energy drink for those playing abroad) as I walked in the door after my Thursday night shift everyone had settled into the couch for the night. Those bastards. We did go out dancing on the Friday though, and by dancing I mean we started a dance floor at a couple venues where no one was dancing. I was in bed just before 3am Saturday and had work from 10-4. When I got home everyone was still in bed. Those bastards. It was lovely to have the girls take some time and spend the cash to come see me, it felt unbelievably good to have some girlfriends around, even if we did just lounge about eating and watching films. Their company makes me content.

I must say, it is getting pretty damn fresh up in this bitch. I'm fighting a cold at the moment, I'm usually pretty lucky in the sense that I don't get terribly sick, just a bunch of annoying symptoms that linger about like an uninvited bear at a picnic. Also, I thought I should mention my mum has found the 'stickers' on Facebook and she keeps sending me those giant obnoxious and slightly creepy smiley faces. I don't love it, but I'm pretty proud of her for discovering them. Oh! I took my longboard out the other week and I rode it with my legs! YEAH! Plus, I've been listening to Silverchair a lot today. That information may seem irrelevant, but if you give it a listen you'll realise that it's awesome and you'll shut your mouth.

Besides all of that useless information not much else has really happened other than general day to day life. You get up, you drink coffee, you shower, you work… In six days though, I'll be back home to Melbourne. I'm so excited and more than ready for it. I'll be amongst family and friends again! And five days after that I'll be back in Los Angeles (also amongst 'family' and friends) for… you guessed it, another wedding! Plus one of my girls is turning 30, I hear it's a dirty age, so we'll celebrate accordingly. Three short weeks after that I'll be back in Melbourne for a night or two, and then back to reality. Work and save, travel and spend. It's a pretty good gig.


Postscript: I hope my cat Charlie is reading to be squeezed so hard his eyeballs nearly pop out. I miss that little rascal of mine.

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