Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Challenge done & dusted.

Day 30: Highs & lows for the month.

Well let's see now, I really am the kind of person that struggles to remember what I did only yesterday, days kind of blur into each other. I can say for sure that someone else's low was a high for me, that being a lady quitting at my place of work, meaning I got a lot more hours - woo! No need to worry though she found a management position within another company, high for her. Life is funny like that, the lows can come with highs, and the highs with lows.
Life always keeps you guessing.

I've definitely had some highs this month, it was beyond lovely having my mum visit, and then my brother and his wife too. We had some great times at wineries, on the beach and even just staying in with each others company. All the family time was such a high for me given I've been a little lonely here. It's great that my brother is around all the time, he is a swell dude, but it would be nice to have a few girlfriends as I miss mine that are scattered about the globe dearly. Sometimes in life a girl just needs a girls company, because only a woman can understand… that said I wouldn't dare belittle the brilliance of a male's companionship! It's just different.

Back on the topic of highs and lows, I've got to say doing this 30 day writing challenge has been filled with many emotions - some high and some low. For instance I've felt at times during the challenge that I've had to force myself to write something, and I haven't had my heart in it, resulting in my own sanity being challenged as I re-read and criticise my half-assed efforts! But I guess that's the point, and that's what makes it a challenge. Overall I'm proud that I've stuck it out, but I'm not gonna lie to y'all, I am dying to only blog when I want to now. But I'm thankful that I've learnt blogging once a week is not impossible, in fact it's kind of easy in comparison.

In summary the month of March - like any month before and after it - was filled with numerous ups and downs, and that my lovely readers is just life! A freaking roller coaster. And I like it, because it keeps me on my toes. Like I've said before there is always down points in life, but we become stronger with each negative experience because we learn and grow. So really it's not all so bad, and those highs when they pop up - they are the freaking bliss! Thus making the ride so goddamn worth it.

Day 30 down, challenge complete.
Kisses Homies.
I look forward to blogging for you all whenever the hell I feel like it.
