Saturday, March 24, 2012

Procrastination Nation.

Why is it that my mind can not stay focused on one thing at a time? Instead I find myself starting one activity and suddenly, somehow? I find myself wasting precious time on social mediums such as Facebook, Youtube & now that I've started a blog, Blogger too. What am I doing? Why is it so easy to get side tracked? Hell, I could even spend all day 'googling' even if I have nothing in particular to search for. And the thing about Google is that you can search for anything, it is both terrifying and endlessly awesome - not to mention helpful, I'm sure it's helpful (?).

Can you even imagine a world with out Google & Facebook? I can't seem to anymore. And let me tell you, that is DISGUSTING. On a positive note, I have given up having a mobile phone, people find this strange. I guess I am a little strange, and I'm cool with it... How are we going to get in touch you ask?
Facebook me bitch.

Oh, and don't even get me started on acronyms and short handing words, it makes me feel physically ill! And the worst part? It's all sliding it's way in to today's society. It's the 'norm'. You know what else it is? It is totes B.S. FURTHERMORE! If you want to laugh in life, that's just beautiful. But don't be throwing your 'lol' at me, I'll smash my banjo over you noggin - or at least imagine doing so in my mind - violence is never really the answer.

End rant.

&.the.bohemian.girl. xx.

ps: WE ARE NOT ROBOT CLONES! We're real life, and everyone you meet is unique - as much as they may try to fight it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I'll smile at a stranger to restore faith in humanity.
I'll travel the worlds grounds to try find some sanity.
Sharing the love and respect for my brothers.
Holding the hands of my sisters and mothers.
We're all just human fight as we may.
Forget about hate and spread love for a day.


I want a world where anything is possible,
Love and unity they are unstoppable.
I want to hear that freedom is true,
Don't want to be caged monkeys in a zoo.
Brainwashed by the media? It can't be,
No ones receiving no surgical lobotomy.
We need to feel to know life is real!
So you've got hate? Baby time will heal.
Grab the hands of your sisters and your brothers,
Don't forget your mothers and your fathers.
Grab those hands and hold them tight,
Because NOW is the time for us to unite.
Choose love over hate,
Take a sweetheart out on a date.
Choose peace over violence,
Talk up NOW don't be silenced.
In the end We've only got one shot at this,
And my friends life's too good to miss.

&.the.bohemian.girl. xx.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Does it bother anyone that holding hands seems to be an act of the past?
Does it bother anyone that lust seems to conquer love?
Does anyone remember what it is to be romanced?
Does anyone remember butterflies in your tummy at the mention of a sweethearts name?
Does anyone believe that you can feel true love with but a single kiss?
Does anyone believe that we're not alone, and we all have a soul mate?

It bothers me.
I don't remember.
I believe! In The Beatles...
I want to hold your hand.

&.the.bohemian.girl. xx.

PS:  Love is not just a four letter word, it is everything.

Monday, March 5, 2012

From start to finish...

The other day I found my old poetry book, and upon reading it I couldn't help but cringe.
Could anyone have seen this? Lying under the pile of crap that is my unfinished scrapbook from my 2008 travels. Furthermore, do I ever finish anything I start? This is worrying...

I bought a bicycle to learn how to ride again, this was early 2011.
It arrived via a courier in your stock standard white van that resembles what I imagine a pedophile to drive, this is obviously not important. The point is that I put that bicycle together that day, the bell was broken (you pedophile van driving bastard). And within the next couple of days I attempted to ride my fire engine red bicycle, glorious a moment as this should have been the wheels didn't seem to work (who put this shit together?). I soon had my father fix the wheel issue and I proceeded to cycle around the court, 2 or 3 times...
I went into the garage the other day and saw my bicycle, with it's broken bell and wicker basket, it has been a year since I even looked at it. Under the layer of dust and cobwebs, I'm positive it still glistens in sunlight.

I won a Banjo on Ebay the other day, it should arrive in the mail soon. I can't wait to learn an instrument, I was a natural on the old Organ when I taught myself to play as a kid, from memory I played it for quite a few months. I also had my parents buy an Acoustic Guitar second hand from a classmate in High school, my brother enjoyed playing it, I finally hand it returned to me a couple days ago, about 8 years too late.
But seriously, the Banjo is going to be fun. All I have left to do is keep my eye out for the friendly neighbourhood delivery man, in his pedophile van.

Here's some poetry:
Lost in thoughts of love. 2003.
I cry, do you see the tears?
I'm making the river, drowning in my own thoughts.
Will I not find my heart, will I never feel love?
Will I always be in pain, be scared, be alone.
I do not float, just keep going under,
Yet I never hit the bottom.
I am still alive with this disability to love,
I am here and remain thinking, pain never stops.
For my life is a puzzle, that has shattered to the floor,
I'm getting it back together, although it is hard;
For one piece is missing, it has disappeared,
And this piece, it is my heart.
I can not feel love, nor be loved in return,
Do you see my problem? I can not get what I desire.
I can not be held nor touched, I am forbidden,
For my ability to love is gone, it is lost.
So I still remain thinking, and I cry,
I'm in my river of tears for I am alone.
Hoping to find the missing piece, wanting to be alive again.
I want to love and be loved in return.

I wrote that little diddy when I was 16 years old, I think at that point in time I had kissed about two boys. But that right there is intense.
Furthermore, there is plenty more poetry where that came from, I just don't care for the embarrassment.

&.the.bohemian.girl. xx.


Starting ones own blog is not as easy a task as this one girl imagined. But I have made the promise to myself that I will blog my heart out ...eventually... although I can't promise anyone that actually decides to 'follow' my blog that it will in fact interest you, I like to babble on, and I believe the best conversations in life can be the ones without any direction or purpose.

The stuff and things you are likely to find on &.the.Bohemian.girl are as follows:
- writing/literature stuff and things
- music stuff and things
- fashion stuff and things
- film stuff and things
- travel stuff and things

And most importantly an erratic flow of babble (in regards to stuff and things)...

So all that's left to do is kick back and relax – whilst I tell you all about it.

Love, peace & good vibes to everyone around the globe.

&.the.bohemian.girl. xx.