Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I'm back bitches…

…Naw I kid! Y'all are wonderful pieces of sugar-plum, sweet-treat delights, honestly. So how the hell are you? Fabulous no doubt, you better be! I last left you to venture on an Australian road trip, given I am Australian and I've travelled a lot, yet neglected my own country (rude bitch) said trip was epic, as any road trip worth taking should be. I won't dwell on it, but to summarise: Australia is fucking awesome. Yeah, I said it. I'm not bias. You should all see it, or at least wherever the hell you are just pack up your car and hit the road, that shit is liberating…

I may have been home longer than I'd like to admit, neglecting the old blog, being productive in every way other than the ways I should. You know, like all good procrastinators do. Not entirely true though, I do get shit done, you better believe it. I'm pretty stoked on this year! I'm setting goals and ticking them off my 'epic list'. I once spoke about writing one of those, and it was quite confronting to have a list of all the things I've been meaning to do written in front of me, I put it on my wall so it is in my face every single day. And that bastard keeps growing, but guess what? I'm ticking things off.

Raise over $2000 for a charity? Tick. Hit the road? Tick. Start learning another language? Tick. Become perfectly adequate at banjo? on my way to a damn tick - I'm still woeful, just less woeful than last year, that is progress in my book. Start a business plan (and a mint collection of vintage/designer/rare clothing & accessories) tick that shit! And then there are numerous things that I've taken a step towards; like mum and I have a project piece to try our hand at furniture restoration, and I'm close to finishing a novel. Seriously. I can smell it. It smells like delicious bloody destruction, as intended.

I can't describe to you guys how good it feels to tick something off this list. I never feel controlled by it, but it is there kind of mocking me if I do nothing about all of the things I want to be doing. So ultimately the list is an evil genius. I recommend, if like me you find yourself being a talker and not a doer some of the time, make a mother flipping list. And put it up somewhere where it can visually taunt. Then, slay every last thing on that bad boy. And feel unstoppable.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm alive, it's nice, I like it. Gonna bake some cookies, make a home made coffee body scrub, write 1000 words, do some yoga. Just because I can.

What are you doing for yourself today?
