Friday, November 16, 2012

The two-year test.

As children the most of us found it easy to make friends, furthermore we seemed happy enough to let these friends we made come and go without giving this action a second thought. As adults you may also believe it to be easy, but go ahead and ask yourself whether you have made solid friendships or whether a decent percentage of these friends you have made may just be fun acquaintances?

Please note there is nothing wrong with a fun acquaintance! But do take a moment to question who you simply could not live without.

Myself, I sure have made a whole lot of friends. But what truly blows my mind is when I meet someone that I can share every inch of my inner self with, no matter how dark a thought may be I can tell that person and they would never for a moment think to hold that against me. I have been very fortunate indeed to have met a lot real people that I have formed such strong & raw bonds with. But this piece is for just one person I've met along the way, someone whom I love more than words can express, & someone I quite simply could not live without.

Just yesterday I skyped with said person, unfortunately we live in different countries, and we both expressed our true emotions as to how we believe we could just be growing apart. Let's just say it wasn't long before we broke down in tears... Yes it were true that we had had big plans to spend the year together, and it was myself that ruined the dream. I had realised that I had a different path that was calling me, and it killed me that I was going to be so selfish, but what scared me the most was having to break the news. Yet once I had made up my mind for sure, I told my person and although clearly upset overall she had seemed fine - she was ready for the move, and so was I.

We went to our new destinations, and got caught up in our new lives. Time went by and we both experienced many changes and events which helped us grow further as people, yet with this growth we were experiencing in our separate cities we failed to realise the damage of our decreasing communication. Until around 9 months had passed and I discovered just how much I had disappointed my person all those months ago.

You see, we had never truly discussed our feelings on the subject, because I guess we had found it too difficult to express at the time (?) but finally the time had come in our relationship after two years of going from strength to strength, we were being tested. And once we lay everything out for each other, we actually felt like a weight had been lifted and we were able to talk as us again, and it felt fantastic.

My question now is why had we waited? Maybe we needed to experience some growth on our own to realise how much we need each other in our lives? Maybe we just thought it was easier to ignore the underlying problem? Whatever it was we had now officially gotten through our first raw test of friendship, and we promised each other that next time we have something to say we'll quite simply say it. Because in the end we're not children anymore, and no matter what it is - we're stronger than any problem.

C, you're stuck with me forever.


Postscript: On a friendly note I just want to say that every single person you meet along the way is worth knowing, whether you see it at the time or not. Appreciate each other.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


After reading several disturbing stories in the media in relation to women's appearances, for example articles about fluctuating weights, signs of ageing & even shaming in general for whether one has or has not received a little help from the surgeons knife -and I wonder why one would be seeking this help? BECAUSE heaven forbid one age gracefully & naturally today, not when we live in a society that has pills to control your appetite, injections to suppress those wrinkles, surgeons to make you look young again. And sadly the list continues...

Well let me just say as a woman I've reached a point where I am officially sickened, because the harsh reality of it all is that the majority of people writing said articles are women themselves.
We have reached a point where many women actually believe that being a size 0 and having to wear children's clothing is sexy. Yes, gone are the days of womanly curves, curves equal fat in modern society, so go call your surgeon - get that extra junk sucked out of your trunk, post-haste.

Well you know what, I happen to know women around the globe of all ages, shapes and sizes, and let me just say they're all beautiful. Us women need to stop being manipulated by the media. We need to stand together and tell the world "We will not be moulded to fit the disillusioned view that modern society has created for us!"

Okay okay, I understand that sadly this scenario of a protest against the media isn't quite realistic, and that the media will undoubtedly never change their sickening ways. But understand this, we are not plastic, robotic beings, we are human beings. And if you want to know what being beautiful really is? Look at yourself in a mirror, and know that no matter what size clothing you wear, no matter what age you are, as long as you stay natural and hold your head high, YOU are what true beauty is.

Now, go on and strut your stuff Miss Thang!
