Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I'm back bitches…

…Naw I kid! Y'all are wonderful pieces of sugar-plum, sweet-treat delights, honestly. So how the hell are you? Fabulous no doubt, you better be! I last left you to venture on an Australian road trip, given I am Australian and I've travelled a lot, yet neglected my own country (rude bitch) said trip was epic, as any road trip worth taking should be. I won't dwell on it, but to summarise: Australia is fucking awesome. Yeah, I said it. I'm not bias. You should all see it, or at least wherever the hell you are just pack up your car and hit the road, that shit is liberating…

I may have been home longer than I'd like to admit, neglecting the old blog, being productive in every way other than the ways I should. You know, like all good procrastinators do. Not entirely true though, I do get shit done, you better believe it. I'm pretty stoked on this year! I'm setting goals and ticking them off my 'epic list'. I once spoke about writing one of those, and it was quite confronting to have a list of all the things I've been meaning to do written in front of me, I put it on my wall so it is in my face every single day. And that bastard keeps growing, but guess what? I'm ticking things off.

Raise over $2000 for a charity? Tick. Hit the road? Tick. Start learning another language? Tick. Become perfectly adequate at banjo? on my way to a damn tick - I'm still woeful, just less woeful than last year, that is progress in my book. Start a business plan (and a mint collection of vintage/designer/rare clothing & accessories) tick that shit! And then there are numerous things that I've taken a step towards; like mum and I have a project piece to try our hand at furniture restoration, and I'm close to finishing a novel. Seriously. I can smell it. It smells like delicious bloody destruction, as intended.

I can't describe to you guys how good it feels to tick something off this list. I never feel controlled by it, but it is there kind of mocking me if I do nothing about all of the things I want to be doing. So ultimately the list is an evil genius. I recommend, if like me you find yourself being a talker and not a doer some of the time, make a mother flipping list. And put it up somewhere where it can visually taunt. Then, slay every last thing on that bad boy. And feel unstoppable.

Anyway, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm alive, it's nice, I like it. Gonna bake some cookies, make a home made coffee body scrub, write 1000 words, do some yoga. Just because I can.

What are you doing for yourself today?


Monday, May 11, 2015


Wow. This year has been jam packed, and I can't even begin to process the fact that we are almost at the halfway point. There is so much that could be said, but for now I'll keep it short - so you have less to read and I have less to write. Embrace the simple, enjoy the lazy, as I for one are officially in FORCED holiday mode. Let me explain.

This year has been anything but breezy, but simplified it looks a lot like this
-Bridesmaid for best friends wedding
-Tears at cousins funeral
-Love & giggles with my niece - the original Princess Charlotte FYI -
-Shaving off my nipple length hair to raise cash for cancer
-The beauty & joy (& fear I don't squish him) of baby Reef
-Constant fun, 'cause life is short yo!

And in most recent events I was made redundant (a first for me) as my work closed their only Victorian store; you'd think I would be sad about this, but I mostly felt a weight lifted. Free bird! As for what's next, who knows. But I've packed up my car and I'm going to let Australia tell me whats up for the next couple of months. Which will put the bohemian girl blog on hold till I return, but fear not, you can catch all or nothing of the adventure if you so choose. Just look for drifterdaze on wordpress. Or follow this here lazy link https://drifterdaze.wordpress.com

One thing this year has shoved in my face is the fact that life is too goddamn short to sit on dreams, it's fucking go time.

See ya soon enough inter-webiverse homies!
Until then, peace, love & happy tidings.


Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I'm around women that inspire me constantly. Whether physically or mentally, these women are always there. I've met them on my travels, I've met them through day to day living, and in mere passing. They may not always physically be there, but it both comforts and satisfies me in knowing that they exist. Yep, the notion is undeniably pleasing.

Feminism to me, is not the act of hating men, that is a horrible misconception. Ultimately it is nothing and everything to do with men; it is simply equality. Women deserve to have the equal rights of men. We are capable of little and of all, just like men. Yet it saddens me to admit, that women are actually one of the biggest hinderance in our equality. There are still an overwhelming amount of women out there that slut shame, judge, and belittle each other. And for what purpose? to feel better about themselves for a moment? How can that possibly weigh up. It is truly heartbreaking. And it has me screaming, Where's the mother fucking sisterhood?

We've come so far, mentally and physically. We are not just physical play things, even though we are damn right visually appealing - all you beauties out there are perfection. So we have vaginas, and yes this can lead to occasional and uncontrollable emotions and sassiness, but that's not such a bad thing, in fact it's kind of brilliant really. So let's let our sassy side out, and put it to positive use already. As individuals we have a tiny voice, but together we can be an unstoppable force. A roaring circus of lady tigers that will not be silenced, but heard! Be appreciated and accepted by one and all, whole heartedly and 100% as equals of equal importance, equal rights, and equal awesomeness as human beings. Utilise your negative energy and put it to positive use, you'll feel satisfied for it - trust me - and suddenly you'll feel empowered and more alive than ever. You'll want to do good.

As for men, can a man truly love vagina without first loving woman and everything we encompass? Just a thought… Humans everywhere, I implore you. Love first yourself, once you do you can fully appreciate others, you will lose your urge to judge, and humans everywhere will start to appear equal. And perhaps the world will become a slightly better place, or at the very least you'll be a better person for having chose love over hate, acceptance over judgement, and just the desire to live as one. For this you may call me naive or an ignorant fool, but I sure as hell would rather be a fool that illuminates positivity and love for all then sit on a stoop of judgemental hate and insecurities.

Now to all my sisters out there, repeat after me 'I have a vagina and I'll scream it from the mountaintops with pride.' Go you good va-jay you! Scream on.


Postscript: There are many links I could share for sisters that are getting it done, but for now I leave you with Caitlin Stasey and Herself. Just because it's a slice of wonderful empowerment.

Saturday, January 31, 2015


This wasn't the blog I thought it would be. After my last entry being a complete angst rant, I was hoping to write about sisterhood (which to me is a perfect discussion. All hail the pussy.), but it wasn't quite time - I haven't found my perfect voice, and yes, for that particular blog I require a perfect voice; because women everywhere are perfect. Honest to god. Just as they are. Amazing, wonderful, unstoppable beings. With a power and essence so strong they may just be more than equal. Yeah, I fucking said it. Women may just be the superior being. This blog entry however, it has taken a different path. A simple path, one that gets back to the basics, and one essential fact - we really should take more time for ourselves.

Today I had a day off work; I had the boring run of the mill tasks to get done - a few loads of washing, general cleaning, yada yada. I also did some yoga for the first time in too long, this is not a chore but a series of movements that help me breathe and feel centred and at ease (don't knock it till you've tried it). I cooked a pasta dish after fresh picking select veggies from the garden, yeah, I actually picked food from the backyard! How gold is that. I crafted a couple game cards for my girlfriends hens party (which was fun and not a chore, 'cause it was for my lady). Overall I really got things done in the first half of my day. The one thing that got me through all that boring yet necessary crap was the thought - once I'm done I'm soaking in a mother fucking bubble bath. Oh yeah, it's on like Donkey Kong, it's going to rain bubbles this Saturday afternoon. And it did. And I've got to tell you all, it was epic.

I don't have baths often, for one, it would lose its appeal if I were to hit the tub too often. And most importantly, a bath is not very water efficient. But when I tub it, I own that white plasticine dream. I ate my pasta in the tub. Listened to Fol Chen 'The False Alarms'. Drank a double JalapeƱo Margarita. Had an intermission - peed, put on Sabina 'Toujours' and popped a bottle of champagne. Returned to tub. Dunked head under water and pretended I was a mermaid. Sat up right and ate dates. Dunked hair only so I could still hear music. Sat upright. Ate another date and decided in was probably time - after all the water wasn't causing my skin to steam anymore & I had listened to two full albums. Unplugged bath and sat waiting as the water drained. Nearly ran out of breathe blowing out candles. Ate another date, drained champagne, stood up, gained my breathe, savoured the moment, got dry, got moisturised, stood around naked and content… put on pyjamas just in time to welcome guests.

All this may seem trivial to some, but for those that it does, you just don't get it and I would feel bad for you if I had the time for that. And to everyone else, it's the small things in life right? :) When you have a moment to yourself don't feel alone, make the most of that rare moment. Enjoy your own company! Because if you can't enjoy yourself just as you are, how the bloody hell will you ever be happy. You! are enough. You're wonderful. Know it, repeat it, live it.


Postscript: A quick shout out to one of the most inspirational ladies I know, Miss Sarah Grounds. Hot little pocket pocket rocket mamma bear yogi instructor!! With two kids and a third on the way, this woman is running her own business, and teaching yoga to mums in the burbs of Melbourne. If so you desire a little training? And you're in Melbourne? She is WELL worth the travel. Find her here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Crossfit-Croydon/214093372113209?pnref=lhc
Or follow her fab blog here: http://www.breathemovenourish.blogspot.com.au
Get inspired by true girl power.