Tuesday, February 25, 2014

New right meow.

A lot has happened since my last blog entry. I'll give a brief rundown of the pre-apartment stuff as that's old news now, before getting into the juicy new stuff. Oh yeah people, juicy.

I went to my first cricket match. Australia vs England, we won even though we played pretty average. I'm telling you this because it's important you know when and if there comes a time that you find yourself at a cricket match, that you need to live by this one important rule: Get drunk. Seriously. The whole time I was there I wished I were drunk. Repeat after me: when one watches the cricket, one shall be blotto. That honestly should be every spectators motto whilst indulging in cricket. Moving on, we went to the casino and I experienced a very intimate moment with a handsome stranger. We were playing roulette and as we stood there he was so close I could feel him without touching at all. Our arm hairs touched, and that shit is intimate. I can't lie to you, I thought about it several times for the next couple of weeks. I also went to a winery which was lovely, as wineries generally are. And this brings us to the new crib, can you dig? (I'm betting you can't because I said 'crib')

SO my brother and I successfully rented an apartment by the beach, complete with a view from our prison box balcony (what's the deal with enclosed balconies anyway? Sure it's handy when you're drunk and pointing at the boats out derrr in daaa occceeaannn, but can we not be trusted to not fall off our balcony?) Our new apartment is kind of great though, besides the fact that all the blinds are pretty much broken and we can hear every aeroplane take off from the airport. It's amazing how quick you can shut out frequent occurring noises. Aeroplanes are loud but I can tune them out now. But then there's the big ones, I swear I've felt the apartment block shake and it's felt like the end of the world was near when those bad boys goes overhead! Lucky they don't fly that close that often. All aeroplanes aside the apartment really is awesome, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I walk down a couple flights of stairs, step outside, walk the length of the driveway, cross the road, and I'm standing on a footpath with the beach beneath me. It takes no more than one minute to get there.

The first night in the new place was exciting. We picked up pad thai and a few ciders and sat on the balcony watching the sunset, thanking our lucky stars that the sun sets so late in the summer. We had just signed our rental agreement at 8pm and moved all our crap inside in record time, making the most of the natural light because we were yet to have electricity. Come 9pm we had moved in, ate our thai, drank our cider and scouted some candles. We couldn't do much, and to be honest we didn't want to after all that running around. I slept on the couch as I didn't have a bed yet - we were picking it up the following night when my brother got off work. That was interesting actually, I got a single bed (for free!) and we managed to squeeze it into my car, a nice cost effective challenge if you will. You should have seen it, I was mounting the steering wheel for the whole drive home, it was the first time in my life I wished I had shorter legs. Lucky for me it only took around half an hour to drive home again, even though it felt like a season passed. Can't complain, it's quite nice to have a bed.

In the end we only had a couple days without electricity, which was absolutely fine, but what truly drove me insane was the fact that we didn't have the internet for the first few weeks. I had honest to god forgotten what life was like before the internet. If I had an unanswered question I had to actually ask someone, there was no Google to avoid communication with an educated soul. I couldn't self educate and look like a know it all, my life was over! For 3 weeks. Without the internet I did find time to do a lot of different activities though, writing, banjo picking, cycling, beach fun times, resume dropping all around town, I even rekindled my love for yoga, finished reading a few books and cooked a whole lot of curries. Life without the internet turned out to be pretty good, and now we're finally connected to the inter-web again I'm not impressed by how consuming it is. But I'm happy to have it there, when I need it, you know to google how to make vodka out of potatoes and other information that I definitely need to know.

I really could have used the internet three nights in to the new place, right about the time a rusty old fishing hook went into my toe. I wanted to self diagnose to be sure I wouldn't lose the little guy. I'm quite attached to all ten of my toes. That little 'welcome home' present aside I feel like a new woman. For reals y'all. I'm tanned - as in I no longer glow in the dark, I'm eating well, drinking less booze and more water, frequently participating in yoga, my bicycle is no longer neglected and coated in cobwebs, and I've managed to secure a new job! I've got to say, I'm extremely stoked with the move so far. Adelaide has also brought vintage flea markets that take me back to LA, several pubs within walking distance with just the right amount of scunge about them, an endless supply of beautiful beaches, and to think I haven't even begun to explore yet. I'm just so excited that even though I've only been here a month I have a new apartment, a new job, and a new dose of positivity for what the year will bring. And with that my imagination has been reignited after a blurgh patch. Hoorah.

There is one big downer to the move though, and that is not having friends in this new state. At least my brother is here, and he is my best friend after all, but it would be nice to have a few girlfriends. When we went to the pub the other week a pretty girl complimented my hair, and added that she could never pull off red herself - you've gotta love a compliment from a stranger, it is like the ultimate validation - she said she would see me on the dance floor, but we never got to dance. I was excited to be complimented, but sad that I didn't know how to take that step to become friends. I mean it isn't like Primary School when you have the same Chuck Taylor's as another kid and say 'Hey we have the same shoes, let's play marbles and switch play lunch and be the best of friends ever in the world. Ever.' When my brother went back to Melbourne for the weekend I took myself out for a milkshake and brownie lunch before going thrifting. I saw so many awesome people browsing through the racks for a recycled bargain, but they were all cliquey, and I just thought of Melbourne and Los Angeles, and how easy it was to make friends there. I can't really complain though, whenever I feel lonely I can just think of that time at the casino, and how I touched arm hairs with that handsome fella.

For all your pervy needs, here's a before and after shot of my new bedroom, plus a quick heeeyyy selfie. That's right people, I did a selfie with a message - heavy on the cheese. BIG l.o.v.e. love.


it was all like this
and then it was like that.
Postscript: If you find yourself in Adelaide here's what I know so far, check out Argo on the Parade for delicious food - plenty of vegan options too - and there is always attractive staff on (can't hurt right?) And if you're here on the right Sunday, hit up Gilles Street Market for Recycled goods, rising designers, hearty grub, & dj's spinning tunes whilst you browse!