Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm still here!

I woke up wide awake at 6am this morning, to me this sounds bad enough, but upon realising it is indeed a Sunday, oh man - the horror! Although... It is ticking over 8am now, and I have already researched mobile phone contracts, caught up with my Facebook and email responses, and I'm blogging! I feel like it has been a while since I last blogged.

Since my last blog I have partied a little too hard, said happy 1st birthday to the worlds most awesome baby, travelled to another country, been involved in one of the most beautiful musically creative sessions EVER (why yes, yes I do get carried away in every experience I have). And to think I now have a half a year abroad! In a way you could say my year is only beginning.

I want to thank all my beautiful Melbournites for their love and consistency in my life, for managing to understand my needs to travel and not holding it against me in anyway. You are all forever. AND thank you to my 'family' in Los Angeles for welcoming me back with open arms. I can't explain just how alive I feel whilst being in your presence, you are all so wonderfully creative and I am a better person for having known you.

So with all that mushy crap out of my system allow me to get random.

It was dark down there, but I didn't care.
I've been bruised and battered, but non of it mattered.
I walk forward, backwards and to the side.
I see you, don't pretend to hide.
I want it all, hand in hand.
Hover over, never land.
I want what I want! And I'm going to get it.
But for now I just want something delicious.
