Thursday, March 3, 2016

Plane Talk.

I was in Byron for a wedding a couple weeks ago, absolutely beautiful! I had a lot of time by myself, which I realised after craving it for so long, that it wasn't the same when I wasn't home - I think this is in large to do with my inability to do nothing …seriously, even when watching a movie I'm doing my nails or writing letters etc etc… Here's some notes from the plane ride.

It's funny how things change. I'm a very chilled person, yet life has upped its tempo to a rapid pace, and so - as one needs to - I've adapted. Yet when you get those moments, in which you can finally put your feet up, I become anxious, and it takes me a solid amount of time to adjust and realise it's ok to stop.

It's so important to have balance in life. Part work, part play, part me.

I need to set short term and long term goals. There are a few things I want to tick off before I'm 30. Thirty countries travelled. First apartment (owned). Finish a novel. And smaller interests I want to dabble in: Learn how to home brew. Make soy candles. Infuse my own vodka. Play multiple songs on banjo. Piece together sentences in Spanish…

I need to write more. Do yoga. Play banjo. Learn a language. I need to travel the world. I need to stay up till sunrise. Swim naked in the sea. I need to be shamelessly myself. I need to stop over thinking, and do it. I'm closing in on 30, I need to not second guess who I am. It's ok to be different, in fact it's better than ok, it's fucking brilliant.

You do you, I'll do me.


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