Monday, February 1, 2016

Fresh Slate.

Shit you guys, I honestly started writing (and re-writing) this entry in October. OCTOBER! That was four whole months ago, what the hell happened? Well, everything. And I decided to scratch all my previous words and start fresh, it is a new year after all.

2015 has been a ride, positives, negatives… negatives. I'm not one to dwell, but a lot of major events went down, and sometimes you need to reflect on that to gain perspective. So here is my year simplified in one paragraph:

Bridesmaid for my bestie (YAY!); went from hair to my nips, to a number 2 shave raising dem billz for Leukaemia; got made redundant, you'd think this a negative, but surprisingly it wasn't… packed my car and drove around Australia; Got home and dreaded looking for another job in fucking retail, yes, fuck, we are talking retail here. Got an interview for the one job I applied for, positive? Nah, I actually thought this negative, and almost didn't go. Went to interview, got offered a job, took the job, positive, positive, positive… Find out dad has cancer, negative. Exhaust myself staying positive. Seriously, it takes everything out of you… Focused on work, got promotion, positive! Dads first surgery on the primary is successful, positive. Work, all the time - positive (yep, I actually love my job). Celebrate my nieces 1st birthday; Dads second surgery (secondary), successful! POSITIVE!! Just in time for Christmas dad is out of hospital, my American friend is back in Melbourne, and the family is together drinking all the good wine. Fa-la-la-la-la…

When I break it down like that, it looks so simple, but what a fucking ride. My emotions hit a new peak, in which I literally had to switch off, and to my job I am thankful; it was a perfect escape from the emotional banquet the family and I were going through. But basically after the year we had, I'm pretty much convinced my family is an unstoppable force that can get through anything. That said, I look forward to 2016 as a fresh slate - cancer can kiss my butt, to put it sweetly.

So heres to 2016 guys and dolls. Honestly, anything is possible. Just remember to take whatever opportunities present themselves, because life is too fucking short, and time really does move faster with age. It's true, I'm 30 this year, when did that happen?

As for 2015?
Love, kisses, best fucking wishes.


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